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Ruling on congratulating the pilgrim after his return and decorating the house. Hajj does not waive obligatory duties such as expiations and debts. After performing Hajj, is the Muslim guaranteed forgiveness of his sins or should he still feel worried and anxious?. He did one of the circuits of tawaaf in Hajj going through the Hijr, then he went back to his country.
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Concerning obedience to his disbelieving parents, and attribution of an illegitimate son. She hates her husband and is asking whether he or her father have the right to force her to stay with him, and what are his rights over her if she resents him??. What is the ruling on putting cream on the thighs to prevent chafing when in ihram?. He divorced her for a third time because he thought that she had been spying on him, but the second divorce came during a period of purity when he had had intercourse with her. Ruling on calling a child Rahmah, Aayah, Furqaan, Himmah, Bayaan, Taqiy or Mu’ayyad-Billaah. Ruling on a man tying up his long hair. Is it permissible to call Maryam, the mother of the Messiah (peace be upon him) a “saint”?. Ruling on fishing for sport. Is there any copyright on the Mushaf for the printer or programmer?. The book al-Fiqh al-Akbar that is attributed to Abu Haneefah (may Allah have mercy on him).more